Learn to Play Solo Blues in the Style of John Lee Hooker

20110802112124guyatone standingFor this  article I will give you a handful of simple tips how you can get closer to the John Lee Hooker sound.
The key is to set up a rhythym, keep this rhythm going with a bassline played with your thumb while the rest of your fingers play a partical chord (or riff) in between the bass line. Keep the bass line at first simple to keep your playing smooth. Once you are comfortable with holding the bass line you can experiment with getting its sound more complex and change its feel.
Use a simple Open E-shape chord to get started, to change the key you can use a Capo while playing the same idea.
This style of playing is a great way to introduce you to more acoustic style Blues players. Once you get the idea you will be able to  transfer some of its features into your own style of playing.

Enjoy and hope to catch you soon again for more,